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8 mei 2023 tot 15 mei 2023 | Cursus

Online Cursus ‘Nutrition and Community’

Voedingskundige Jasmin Peschke houdt zich al ruim 30 jaar bezig met voedingskwaliteit en is werkzaam voor de landbouwsectie van de internationale antroposofische vereniging. Samen met Lea Sprügel verzorgt zij een internationale online cursus over ‘Voeding en gemeenschap’ op 8 en 15 mei. Kijk HIER voor meer info.

Cursusbeschrijving: A meal forms community, offers opportunities to meet and increases enjoyment. In community, eating and living habits can also be reflected upon and changes can be sustainably established. In addition to table fellowship, our food choices are the basis for relationships. What we eat is directly related to the health of the earth. Thus, the way in which food is produced, processed and traded matters. Collaboration based on trust and appreciation is the best approach. The topic of food and community will be very broadly defined. An aspect of community even exists in the microbiome, which wants to be nurtured. The workshop will comprise contributions, conversation and practical exercises.

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